

Man with love your neighbour hat

What We Do

We find ways for local businesses who want to help their communities to do so, connecting them with local community groups and charities.

Businesses have a lot to offer and often want to help, but small businesses are busy making ends meet and need to make their time count. At the same time, many community groups and small charities can’t afford to pay for their expertise. We find ways for businesses to help out, whilst also finding ways for them to benefit in non-monetary terms through PR and SEO benefit. 

Love your community graffiti

How We Help Community Groups

We reach out to community groups to find ways that the businesses we work with can benefit them. Normally this will involve giving their expertise for free in some shape or form. That might be a member’s discount, a free talk, QA or clinic session, or providing useful content for their members.

Exactly what the businesses will provide depends entirely on the business and the community group in question. Our job is to talk to everyone and be creative in finding ways to help in which everyone benefits.

Thank you for shopping local sign

How We Help Businesses

There are a few main ways in which we help businesses to benefit from their community involvement. 

  1. Press and PR: we send press releases about the activities to local press and bloggers
  2. SEO: if possible, we’ll ask for a backlink from the community group website. Sometimes, helpful website content is exactly what the business provides, then we just add an ‘about the author’ backlink. Businesses benefit from these types of local links without the community group promoting or endorsing them.
  3. Outreach to group members: community groups mention that the business has helped them on their mailing list or social media
  4. Posters and flyers: groups that have a busy building may allow the business to display their posters and flyers.


Exactly how we make any arrangement work depends entirely on the organisations in question. Our job is to find creative ways to benefit everyone and find an arrangement that everyone is pleased with.

Do something great light

Get in Touch

If you’d like to know more about what we do and get involved, email info at

Please note we are based in London but work with organisations all over the UK.